Delivering high-quality work together

Freelance language professionals wanted

LexiQ is always looking for freelance translators, subtitlers and audio describers. We’re seeking ambitious language professionals who share our mission: to deliver high-quality subtitles, audio descriptions and translations. We see the partnership with our freelancers as an enrichment and synergy. Sharing knowledge and delivering high-quality work together – that’s what we’re going for!

Of course, we only deliver ‘native’ translation work. Let us know what your strengths and language combinations are, and become a valued LexiQ partner.

Internship: become a subtitling whizz

Is language your passion, and do you want to learn the ropes of professional subtitling? Then you’ve come to the right place, because LexiQ has loads of expertise. Find out more about an internship and become a subtitling whizz.

We’ll gladly give you that professional push in the right direction to set you on your way.

What can you expect?

Who can benefit from this internship?

Applied Linguistics or Translation students who wish to intern at LexiQ as a translator/subtitler

Want to know more about internships? Get in touch!